you can do any thing to it, as long you get seats for me to sleep on when picotto is playing, like i did at the 2nd b/day!!! he he :cyber:
me just got my ticket this morn! cant wait! just a pitty i cant get the peep bus from newcastle, me gettin the train down!!! cant wait tho!!!!!
mines pretty simple, my friend from scotland who i met at uni, asked me if i had a nick name, and i didnt, but he a friend from home called mark...
armin van buuren = god!
well..................i think its gonna av to be, solarstone-sevencities *thank you mr.hardwick* u made my night!!!!!!!
apparently the resit dates are between 19th - 30th of aug!!! but she said she wansnt sure? silly bint!
no son u can do it! u cant get the intranet mail! i e-mail'd them from hotmail, and used the tees webpage to get the e-mail address! no...
dude i have to go got an e-mail of teesside uni, need to ring them for the resit dates chow for now mwa
yeah he is! he he but wot he dont know, he wont find out!!!!!! he he
c'mon guys, it must have some good qualities, cus i have herd some nice things about turkey, nice beaches and towns etc. i know the men are...
wots her number?! he he
erm? i cant remember? i fink from his website? cool tho!!!!!
my plan was to - if i had to resit any exams i would return to boro for good! when the first resit commenced! so it could be any time...
dude? like the new avatar? only the best will do for sparky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :rolleyes:
well!!! my mum and dad were looking for holidays on the internet last night, and asked me if i wanted to go, so i said yes (free holiday...
has anybody been on holiday to...... turkey? if so is it nice? ive had some good reports about it! but if anyone has been, could u give me...
website for free ring tones??? does anybody know of any? just been on crasher webpage and u have to fookin pay for um! thats criminal!...
well done my son! *very proud* when i was younger my bro broke the window cus we were locked out and then told me to go thrugh it! the...
its cool dude! not!
me got that sent to me in an e-mail yesterday....fookin bitch i hate her!
Separate names with a comma.