i may have asked for it, but it is YOU that shall be getting it. be afraid, be VERY afraid.....................
:rolleyes: ha. ha. ha. *crack* what was that, oh yes my ribs cracking @ your reply ;)
How many forum users does it take to ... change a lightbulb?? How many forum users does it take to change a light bulb? 1 to change...
it's ok, i am only filling in my life with menial nonsense until i fufill my true obligation as queen of the world. trust me. it will happen....
you poor thing. sleep as much as you can before you go, and take vitamin c tablets and drink lemon juice in hot water with paracetamols.
no as i'd get to spend all my day on msg boards and watching trisha :D
she should enjoy her ten mins of fame whilst she can, in 3months time no one will have ever heard of her, she'll be refered to "that fat geordie...
why you cheeky bleeder :evil: I have always wanted to stay @ home and look after my man, i'll bake him cakes, and do him 3 course meals every...
Re: Re: You know you're living in 2004 when... so did i..........
Women know your place!! How to be a Good Wife. (The following is an exception from a 1950’s New Zealand High School Home Economics Text Book)...
Thats well wank :hug: Set of scum bags - you know that they were scally kids who had no idea what to do with the othe stuff so they sold your...
That is really scary but true. i shall forward it on to all my contacts............. :D
yup, no which one you mean. I also can't stand that stupid advert with the fecking blue phone in it. Arghhhhhhhhhhh
What did you want to be...... When you were a little kid. I wanted to be a barrister then a teacher now i just want to win the lottery. :D
Just thought of another i saw it last night, those Meastro one's with those two fucking penguins cut out of card grr...........
giddy giddy giddy giddy la la la la :)
Cruel Names I used to work with a lad called Richard Head. (aka Dick Head) how cruel can some parents be. I also knew some really big scallets...
we've got the rain too, for the past few days it's been well nice and sunny in the morning then pissed it down at night, what's going on. i was...
Ha ha ha, you have been out quoted by a bird. Get on your knees and worship at my feet. I out L.O.G you, ha ha ha ha ha :)
Pushin trollies round asda car park, a fuckin monkey could do it. Friends: Pens Family: Dead.
Separate names with a comma.