Danny Howells Essential Mix 1998 Quality 1998-01-11 Danny Howells New Century Soul - "Lunar Jazz" (white Label) Chiapet - "Tick Tock"...
Pole Folder - Summer Sunrise (80Hz Sessions) 04-07-07 01 - Gregor Tresher - A Thousand Nights [Great Stuff] 02 - Timo Becker - Advantage...
death metal imo
fuck a tea tree mushroom is the only one that sounds palatable :lol:
wkd dancer talks shit by the looks of things
:lol: :lol:
whats the tracklist?
i don't
I hate smoking
Hernan Cattaneo - Live @ The Arches, 2001 Get onto this hew :o Recorded live @ Colours, The Arches in Glasgae 01 - Satoshi Tomiie - Love in...
ive heard a lot about that vera cocha remix i hope its deent!
no but i think i have tiesto @ cream amnesia 2002
last proper moment i had in shindig was the warmup for digweed...... i think it has to be the best set ive ever heard in shindig
So I am going to have to take 3 modules, 1 of which needs to be quantitive methods. It says a minimum of 3 hours a week study time at my chosen...
:o I've heard rumours about Infusion always being on the shindig wanted list? But I'll put my money on Warren.
So you get up every morning and drive a forklift? :confused:
I'll hold out a bit longer if Shindig want to offer me a job as their Promotions Manager, but it looks unlikely at the minute.
im liking pretty much the whole spectrum of house at the minute.......... i am bang into the sort of stuff neil b & the lowza are playing at the...
i picked up all my scottish off 4 airdrie lads... came into work every morning still pissed on bucky........ total nutters
seriously :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i bet they had fringes gelled as tall as they could and wore bermuda shorts in all weathers
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