no no no no topsy turvy weekend paul has got class organising skills chief!!! sounded a bit like that guy of that program wif the woman...
playing wif skanky lisa urrrghhh!! she is well orrible like!! b2b wif dave pearce oh class hehehe!! as i said tho really want to see dave...
lmao!! rozza jayne the super sub!!! class!! el marraca the more the merrier!! :p
no its not!!!! we have checked we are smart not like uNot very smart e Pants!!! :p
lmao!! pennas u tis always more exciting when a match goes to pennas like!! except when its england and u know we will never win casue we have...
what the fook me was tiunking the same whats eddie doing somehwere like there??? :confused:
ahh the legend that is bellini wouldnt be able to play on the sun!! akkk!! well makeit throughtthe week wed sounds good to me!!! :)
yeah me finx there is a good chance i will be at crasher paul is ordering tickets 2mrw!! wikid!! :p
WHAT!!!! u didnt c the goal awww was fookin awesome!! what a class match u fookin message brd addict us missed a class one!!! real are...
oh no jackmaster didnt mean this sunday!! will still be wellto messy to play football!! and the sunday after kelly and halliwell sounds good...
Hemstock aNd jennings!! CrimonN soil this tune is soooo good me thinks its worthy of a lil review what u finx dave?? :p
ahhh mint!! :rolleyes: ;)
its like u read my mind we will for sure!!! get mine 2mrw cant wait!!!!! :p
me finx the day should be a sunday!!! always best bout 1ish!!! there day and time sorted now we need a dat jack master require ur arranging...
lmao!! ah always wondered what was meant by pimps smart e hahahaha now i no!! must say u's do look luvley!! :p
tis a class venue cant really fault it got seats aND SHIT LOADS ROOM TO WIGGLE!!! and a bar which is the main thing tis while nice u should get ur...
lol if hes been on the rob must be a bit well off so he must so means coming to promise to get messy crasher wouldnt be the same if we werent all...
yeah thats more like it footie brings oot the best in peeps!! pete thats where it is!! how come u went to the green festival!!i was going togo...
Re: Re: This might be news to some... its clas how we can all be united by lord eddie!!! :p
i tink tis well dark and has never changed used to love just sitting upstairs just comp fookd!! and was totally dark and underground then!!!...
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