lmfao!!! heheh erm yep i do!!! :o :p
hahaha tis coatnoise so it is dave!!! class photo tho!!! me tinks i will add that to my lil tiesto file hehehe!! best set!! so many to...
ah goood work dog!!! :p
thankie lil jem!! :p now where did u get solar stone from!! :p
ah well was a very topsy turvy weekend!! fri was spent at janes just getting drunk and stuff ;) was muchos amoosing seeing her wrk friends get...
deffo room 1 in evolution tis like class its like a messy playground think thats how i described it before!! or have to agree wif dave republic...
lmao!! hahaha rightly so geordie hehe!! geordie sorry matey msn has fookd couldnt speak back saying couldnt deliver messages! :confused:
still Cant belive i missed it fookn hell!! surely he will play it again!!he has his own copy of it now!! and u better play raNK1 Again plaease!!!...
free bar for first hr is this true class!!! :p
yeah but mar tis totally worth the wait that weekedn is going to be class!! change of plan no mainframe for me me tinks i will stay in...
lmao!! i know bosh tis not even like it tastes nice either init!! :p
i tried to get armin of u and have a look in ur files but it wouldnt let me is ur satalite running now??? may have a lil browse if thats ok...
what sets u got mr greeder?? armin was in my Q but was never online!!! :(
yes happy birthday mr Ste!! hope u ad a good un! :)
exactley auz say no more!! :p
no dont change it back!!! u are the techno waffer!!!! who u calling biff anyway!! :eek: will ave u smart e pants!! :p
TIS looking a lot like my weekend!!! :p
tisnt A bad tune like chief must say!! tis happily sitting in my d drive wif other clas mp3s!! :p
thankie steve very manly!! hehe!! me grown up techno waffer!! hahaha never!! :p
mac's without doubt for them chicken mayos!! but not v. impressed wif the speed of the wrkers in mac's in boro took them 10mins to make a burgert...
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