i have 2 showers a day......dude!!!! well mostly...hehe so what you been up to? sorry i still havent got any money on my fone yet, but will...
"ahemmm" (& sparky coughs?!) me is a smooth talking bar-steward, do do "beer and food" im not shitty microwave operator! :D
sparky is good, cdu be tetta tho, i could be bak up there im sick of workin already!!!! (sparky sulks) leah is fine, her offspring r going well...
RIGHT!!! no hamster named afta you!!!!!!! only jokin smartE!!! me gotta go now dad wants to use internet! grrrr!!! say bye to by babe fu...
mmm thats wot me thought???? *confused*:confused:
yeah 7 babies! my cousin is having one and my dad wont let me keep the rest so i have to take them to the pet shop, poor leah will be all alone in...
its not a rat! its a hamster and shes called leah "princess Leah" to you boy! she is a mother of 7 babies and they r class! if your nice i'll...
oh smartE, your my hero (said in a lovingly way) ahhhhhhh
i love you really smartE :D :rolleyes: :p
OMG guys!!!!!!!!!!! i know who gimpy man is? Jo?! "The glow in the dark all year round christmas tree"
felt sad about abandoning my little "airwolf" as you can see this avatar if more my style, its what see,think and do! my dedication lies at half...
me LMAO 2!!!!!!! as you can see hes still up to his usual tricks. gimp! ahhhhh bless him
gimpy man "does" goodgreef - mmm!!! here he is again....gmpy-man!! me finks hes gettin a little carried...
me watched airwolf today(my day off) i forgot how class it is!!!
definately agreed!!!!!! winner!!!
this is funny
i know!!! how much would you be brickin it on that plane?!
FAO-all the ppl goin on holiday this summer? have a nice flight!!! he he
FAO - smartE u stink!!!!
OMG guys its airwolf!!!!!!! jo wont kno that hes too young only being 15 and all!!!!!
Separate names with a comma.