The one from Pressia, isn't that what you wanted?? Bit more info for you: The Battle of Waterloo was fought thirteen kilometres south of...
You jammy fucker :D
I'll have to get it from my mate, and i'll try to re send it to you to do, i'll PM you later with it? If not is Monday ok, he's at wk and he sent...
General Blucher. Can i have my prize now please? Got anymore???
hee that tickles. I got an email yesterday of a bouncing tigger shagging a tickle me elmo, brilliant. All you can here is elmo laughing and...
Re: Re: Re: Re: The hooped top clan!! Can i ask WTF a Charver is, is it a scally? or a townie as my mum calls them??
Get an email from Elmo Mint, i went on the Sesame St website yesterday (trying to find a pic of elmo, yes it was for me) And i clicked the link...
I'd forgotten about Candy man We used to go into the toilets at primary school and dare each to say "Mary Haggiss" 5 times, and this witch was...
I was trying to get that as mine, couldn't bloody figure it out EVEN with help from Lee, it kept saying it was too big or not a proper jpeg etc....
I have spent the past week doing NOTHING but email my friends, come on here, the GG board and ebay. And getting paid for it mwa ha ha ha ha :)
about 3, i'm 23 now so if you're 20 or younger you'll HAVE no idea, ask your parents lol. I have it on DVD, still scares me now. (NOTE: Do not...
You young wipper snapper. It was scary TRUST me, all jim hendson puppets they looked like melted vultures with loads of boney bits, *shudder*...
The bit in the second one where that old man's walking about "God is in his holey temple." Scary as fuck. And the bit where she's talking to...
or are we??? Den den dada denn............ (that was supposed to be scary music...)
totally forgot about that, fucking Skeksies and gelflings. My dad used to do the voice really well and then chase me round the house going "mmm,...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Films that scared me as a child. i'm 23, the show V does ring bells but i wouldn't have been allowed to stay up...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Films that scared me as a child. What's that one then? Polterg used to scare me to: "Stay away from the light...
TAKKKKEEEEE OFF THE FREDDY PIC YOU EVIL MAN. Fuck i can here the song now: 1,2 Freddy's coming for you. 3,4 better lock your door 5,6 get...
Re: Re: Films that scared me as a child. ARGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH Take the picture off, take it off, please:cry:
Can't wait ;) am all of a quiver now, over come with excitment, i'll get my nurses uniform.............:o
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