:o destruction
aprently they had deffo got 8mil for him from lyon so thats put a dent in there transfer kitty for the summer !
Q How many Mackem jokes are there on this thread A Only 2, the rest are all true stories. :D :wink:
Two Sunderland fans are walking along. One of them picks up a mirror, looks in it, and says "Hey, I know that bloke" The second one picks it up...
smog quality pics , vin is dean gaffney like !
Aye but did you see his dad in that rather fetching wife beater :lol: total Gimp
did anyone see That kid on the news whod won a Mcdonalds Prize to lead a team out at the world cup ... Apprently there was some confusion as...
Now that would explain a lot now wouldnt it ! :o :lol:
Message From The Bar Staff Please remember to order one drink at a time as we like to run backwards and forwards, it keeps us fit. When...
Yeah i thought so shes the one my flat mate always trys to crack onto . Il tell him to give her a tip instead of drooling :rolleyes: :D
I think most of us can figure out whay mainly old men would tip you katie :p But youve managed to make me feel guilty enough to leave you a tip...
Re: mmmmmmmmmmm try saying please ! if that doesnt work go for the spatula !
Re: tip the bar man... Depends on weathter they serve you more than once , for one pint i wouldnt be tipping anyone !
dont tell me your interseted as well :o :lol:
:lol: oh dear !
Friday = The Calm before the storm !! , Watch the world cup openeing games few beers let the tention build and then . Sat = NESS's stag do ......
It cant be as bad as half the guess's ?? tell us
the wench that gets hit looks like chucky ! she took it well like just more shocked than anything else ! :lol:
use them as leverage while you skul F***K her !
Separate names with a comma.