That is an accapella, im not sure what the tune was but it goes on to say "This is only a test" i think.
The were called Kwenchy cups. [IMG]
Look at the state of this guy, he is portraying himself to be Mr Freeze. [IMG]
Re: flashy phones Sorry, but that looks SO cheesy.
SHITE!!! Only joking Gio. Quality techno.
Because we love Mark and we love promise. :love: :love:
Art galleries are boring. That is much more fun.
I will prob be going, im not sure yet but i probably will. See you there.
That women is Madonna. It is artistic.
i did write (Altought there was a spelling mistake) that i wouldnt have a dirty avatar as my set avatar in case i offended someone but since Gio...
You didnt mention that you knew me on the M8, so im upset.:( :(
Re: Dirty avatars That is why i wrote that.
Banana, golden syrup and Ice cream or just whippy cream. On the subject, im making some tonite.
I dont have a women flicking the bean do i????
What does that mean??
Dont even speak to me, you dont know me.
That Madonna is a dirty bitch. [IMG]
Dirty avatars I wouldnt a really dirty avatar as my set avatar but i would just like to see what good stuff they have. [IMG]
That was awfull.
Re: crasher tunes! Is a bollard not something that sticks out the ground to direct peoiple and traffic????
Separate names with a comma.