excellent selection techno!!
i know!! lol u coming on fri pikey?? to the pre party? :p
tis such a class tune i fookn love it sooooo much!! good ol flutlicht eh!! :p u got the new signum one dave isnt it class total hardwick...
1m 20 for fookn fairy cakes excellnt fookn going to make me someof them fookn took me 1hr 1/2 to cook a fookn baked pot and cheese this living...
Re: amsterdam!! oh excellnt we all go to see aunty paula!! mint!! ello chiky hows it going when u coming back?? :p
lmao u wouldnt really do that would u techno??? :p
i will dog mate dodnt worry!! hows it going anyway matey havent spoke in ages!! u bought shitl oads tune have u?? :p yeah fri will be class...
what the fook u on aboot!! what language is that u are speaking?? :confused:
excellent as will i (well still debating the red and yellow fur type stuff)!! :p
erm no!! :rolleyes: ;) :p :p
lmfao!! 147 parps nothing else hehehe!! tis a class word tink it has been added into my vocablury now thankie to dave and fish!!! tis such a...
i prefere liberation out of the two as well deffo but the pulser and the new hiver and hammer mix of beautiful are quite good!! :p
been sooo skint at mo so my last purchase was chicane - autum tatics and agnelli and nelson - everyday classics that i have wanted for fookn...
never even heard booot it till someone said that there was a possiblity that cream were doing something at the arena and then jhonny boy mentioned...
uve never been to promise oh then fri will be sooo good tis almost like one big messy playground well it seems that way to me i love it!! :p
lol i know u were paul notice the smart one has nothing tosay for himself tho!!:confused: :p
lmao u's should come round to princess janes u know how we all share the belt holding round there! ;) :p
lol deffo!! :p
lmfao yes mike did show u's everything didnt he!! hahahha!! :p
oh well thats ok then but will richard be playing songs off the new album which is probs what scott bond would have done cause me wants to hear...
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