Sundis norf!! havent been on board for few days so dodnt know if any1s mentioned how fookn good sundis was and how class eddie was also mr...
lmfao!!! :p
no tis not me!! hehehe that is Cyber space Ted!!not they cyberted there is only one cyberted and that is me!!!! lol!! never mind eh!! :p
was a fantastic nite sarah G was really trancy to my surprise and kerry was class "heavens Cry" ahhhhhh!! lol but me and princess jane were...
come on smart e i have brains like iwould hang around railway lines and stuff bus stops and peeps houses yeah distrubing the peace thats more me!!...
excellent so will see ya's all there then stay away tho have the marisa lurky and its not nice ask smart man! :p
eh but i thought i saw him?!?!?! ur right then smart man i do drink tooo much cider tis why my taste buds have now matured and have moved on to...
oh excellnt news mark its soooo mint that u listened to the promise peeps via the petition and u saw what he did on the nite he was class tho!!...
LMfao!! ummm sounds like i should intorduce my gran to eddie as well keep it in the family hehehe!! shewill surley love Bosh!! lol excellnt...
lmfao!! hahah yeah u got me there smart e the world hasnt seemed to change at all since io went under eihter!! lol so seems like i might as...
aww well done spooks all the hard work has finally paid off yay!! and the good thing is u will be coming back every weekend so no crapy stockton...
excellnt. see ya there m8y!
iya!! naa not flyering 2mrw yay!! so going to parents pick up stuff then straight to mine me and kath are getting ratted before 2mrw celebarate...
lmao!! have u reunited me wiff lil giff?? oh how i miss his vannila skin!! ;) lee's tackle eh wellwhat can i say teehee!!;) kewl!! :p
lol i love the photos where peeps are ded messy yes let us seethis photo!! lol u's have to see priincess janes muntered gallery sometime tis...
lmao!! oh zeta the confusion that caused in my ickle heed!! i thoughti had a new friend called zeta lol plus im a lil poorly which made me a bit...
ummm am i there too?? if so i have always wanted to try taco bell!! lol :p
Separate names with a comma.