The Brightside 1. Yahel – Massive Control 2. Junk Project – Composure (Solar Stone mix) 3. Hemstock & Jennings – Mirage (Lange mix) 4....
lmfao!! cheers mongo! :p
.......... and what u know i am crowned the office hero for today yay!! thankie!! :p
yeah tis a war like hehehe mint!! i know a lil bit bouze dont make my head inflate!!lol! cant it be a joint postion?? like it is now!! wif u...
just realising how hard it would to get down to SS so maybes not sorry fu fu but will be a messy one had by all up here cause no wrk on mon yay!!...
exactley!!!! :p
i found that sooo funny!! i tell u i will be the office hero today thankie fizz!! :p
oh paul starting to feel like i did on sat nite when i emergered from the sewers to be greeted by the lord of darkness hehehe! ;) oh im sure...
excellent then its all back to jeffs and princess's after hehehe!! :p
looks like the advice i got a while ago of mammy telling me todrink less of the auwful cider was good advice after all oh well like a proper whino...
ohhhh me thinks i may have a look down havernt reALLY been able to make upmy mind bout oakie every time i try to see him its "thew tens to full...
thankie paul ur a star!! butme also wants to do sundis soooo much! :p
lmfao!!! although not v.funny it is true when u walk down that high st fookn hell!! cant really comment much on all this drug malarky but must...
can i put my vote in please me tinks its sounds like a kewl job!! have a good ear for a tune app! and love music sooooooo much tink a test...
totally want to do that will have words wif mam and dadf this weekend see if thats at all poss hope so sooooo much love the big messy playground...
Re: Re: Re: Bored!!! lmao!! was all like y didnt see reply eeekkk!! :) but ah thankie spooks we are going over ches dads today to do it just i...
lmao!! erm right fink!! ;)
oh yes please!!!! esp ratty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p
hehehe thankie helz rock chiks!! esp ones with big rock dudes in pvc on there arms!! urrrrggghhh!! :p
doesnt seem to start to proggy at the begigning either seems like a qualtity u can always relie on crasher to produce quality cds!!! :p
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