hehehe pikey i am well hounered but just rememebr i am the floaty trance master no doubt but i do have a hard side as well the darkside of ted!!...
oh yeah u have to do thAt i was going to don oooot the ol fluffy sunids ootfit!! we were discussing that tink gav was tinking boot it as well...
are u still talking bout cats?? :p
perked up my day no end!! lol :p
lmao @el marraca tis an addiction isnt it i love chasing cats sometimes they chase me as well big fookn big ones!! but back to the point...
lmao yeah u can be arrested for this sort of thinng tis well harsh but i still havent learned my lesson hehehe whnh u have to go u have to go!! :p
my thoughts entiley!! :p
LOL i said u do look fairly muntered like! :p
smart e lets not get into an argument boput the hardcore ting, hardcore is ded!!! ok!! lol is it u i had the hardcore argument with even!!...
awww dave u dont look that bad on the crasher vid waffing waffing looks really kewl!! lmao! the waffing that took place when members of mayday was...
lmfao!! naa nothing like that i am not a perv honestly hehehe!! :p
lmao @ magic paul hehehe :p
yeah i suppose so like hehehe!! :p
lmfao!! thats a twitch if i have ever seen one!! are u now a retired waffer like smart man!! :p
so she saved her boob for eddie hahaha what was eddies face like?? hahaha mint!! :p
what why does every1 tink eddies set was parp!! i thought it could have done with a lot more H- trance but... it was awesome never the less!!!...
forgot i met u gizmo was only reminded by an IMAGE OF ME Doddleing on ur arm!! hehehe!! excellent!! :p
ahhhh its another line up to die for as was inside out's last sat!!! but oliver klien as well excellnt!! where di u find this ooot?? :p
i didnt yesterday felt ok but today just felt a lil bit overloved i guess went to parents last nite couldnt be bothered with work needed more...
lmao @ gizmo heheheh yeah did u get the pen off ur arm lol!! and didnt someone sign ur boob as well heheh!! :p
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