yes fergie for promise!! good idea he is tremendos!! :p
oh wikid will have to have a go off this teleporeter next time i am at urs!! :p
u dont do u clarki tut tut!! hahhaa :p
looks like u have a lot of wigglin to do lil gem hehehe!! can u keep up the pace!! lol :p
there not silly trousers i fookn tink ur camoflauge ones are wikid!! :p
LMAO!! oh now i see what smart e was saying erm hahahahah!! ;) ok smart e!! lol spooks there not that hard to find me is on the hunt as well...
what no tiesto!!!! hes got to be on!!! sss woundnt be the sane without him standing on a platform whilst playing silence!!! :(
ah wikid will have a look!! cheers!! :)
paul wouldnt u look a lil funny if a super d.j was getting a nblow job next to you!! hahaha!! :p
ah i am making the big leap soon philly tis a lil scary and daunting to say the least like i must say!! but yes parents are the biggest head doers...
why do u want A 12" ruler?!?!?! :confused:
oh will defoo be there but the price seems to go up every year!! :( faithless headline at creamfields this year as well davey!! :)
ahh so this tune ages ago wasnt really likingit much but after listening to it constantly on mp3 then in clubs me likes the funky punk like twist...
ah yes good idea snarfy time to add my top 10 tunes of this month yay!! tunes i have mostly been buying and playing!! Marc Dawn - Expander...
well have to say one of the things i reallly want is to see the wonder that is tiesto at promise!! cant wait for sep!!!! and for march 16th!!...
what do u want that u cant have? so what do you want that u cant have? and whats the reason u cant have it? try not to think material...
who are me u mr greeder excuse my ignorance mr greeder i am always drunk cant rememeber much from lastweeknever mind bondy nite!! lol :p
haha well spotted technofish!! lol!! yes welcome to our board mr dalek!! i most certianly agree ur last set was amazing to say the least i...
haha well spotted technofish!! lol!! yeswelcome to our board mr dalek!! imost certianly agree ur last set was amazing to say the least i...
but snarfy there are some wikid tunes on there!! i am not a big prog head but there are some tunes on there thaT float my boat! :p
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