Even if it doesnt work you can go to the branch and get cash . and order a new card!
Well your not supposed to go for food at booze busters hannah :rolleyes: what wine dyou get am chocking !
chill man she said strawberry not rainbow :o
Honest assesment !
:rolleyes: had a humour transplant again a see skirt wearer ! jokes for jocks are on a different site
No need to buy an expensive dishwasher just go get yourself a woman and shel do the cooking an cleaning and ironing and hoovering ..... etc etc !...
Stop drivviliong about electrons and solos and get yourselves a propper account ! current account debit cards ! I feel really old with you...
"0 grand fine and a plea of please save uncle brces job from what the paper says ! Pennant is a class player with a total attitude problem hes...
Man utd are a shambels as a team right now ... Ferdidnand is playing abismal , nevile is out injured heinze gone for the season roy keane...
Police 'Dont stand so close to me' :lol: was no 1 and quite appropriate if you know my family history ! also No 1 album with Zenyatta...
we were having a fancy dress party on saturday and wor lass was putting the food out downstairs while i was gettin me costume on and she got a...
paedophile ! Hate the word probably because i wish there was no reason for it to exsist and things like that didnt happen..... Fucking...
portsmouth West brom Sunderland 16 pts if there lucky :lol: Allready the worst team in prem history i can see sunderland breaking there...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: smoking laws coat :rolleyes:
Re: Re: Re: Re: smoking laws :rolleyes: grow up sunshine you got it wrong so dont try and hide it by getting argumentative ........ your way out...
lats time you said that i had to touch me toes :o So is this the infamous cocknoker ian-e wannabe somone but really am not is it ?? Your...
Re: Re: smoking laws :doh: no mate theyve banned it in all public areas that serve food and only have segragated areas in places without food...
does this shit ever not cause peoples heckles to get up some plum who claims not to be an alias but knows people on the board hence the glitter...
smoking laws Well theyve published it ! You are no unabel to smoke in any public venue which serves food and only in venues with designated...
Do you live and work in washington ???
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