Shame to see sunderland go down the derbies are a miss ! But the fact that youl break your own record as the SHITTIST team to ever play in the...
Water i cant see the bottom of ........ even if its just a mirky puddle i dont like not knowing whats beneath me as the ex found out during the...
(IT) Dogs do It Cats do IT Monkeys have a try Mammy does It Daddy does It Why cant I :cry: That was my grans idea of sex...
Porking ! hiding the sausage ! hooking the fish ! slammin the hammin
Id say i have between a glass to a litre of wine per night with tea then consume a tiny amount at the weekend :angel2: :rolleyes: I like...
we might have had a less embarassing scoreline tho !
I agree manners have gone to hell ! every morning i get off the x5 at washington galleries and basically before the bastard bus has stopped...
ploughing the field ! trimmin the bush ! singein the minge ! Tasting the Gammon hangers :o
chelsea vs newcastle bad news on injuries lads,,10278~742207,00.html
You could stay at mine but im like an hour north of town so dont know if youd wanna travel in and out evryday ? The spare rooms there tho if you...
Great game we showed weve got the attacking strength to open up anyone but to be fair there were the same old problems there two weak goals...
agreed king would be the best bet hes in good form and better on the floor than campbell . Ferdinand doesnt deserve a place on current form ....
eggs ! they were first ! If god did make fully formed animals then why has he left you with only half a brain chickenfizz???? :o :D :wink: :p
40 is now the mark of grown upness imo ! thats when you start the whole middle age process ! anything below that your young dum and ful of...
rio picked ahead of sol?? Reports today are saying rio is in for a return to the heart of englands defence ahead of sol campbell ! Sven will...
Who would you put in then ??? who is there ??? torry ? no leader of any note there party in dissaray, lib dems ? there party with really no...
meatballs ! lamb ........... Turkey ! Venison ! Rabbit ! Swordfish steak ! :king:
Really sorry to hear it . my heart goes out to you and your family !
cornbeef anyone ? wasnt called best mate by any chance ?
Happy birthday marty mate ! hope you had a great one !
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