Rtes just got up after the crappest sleep eva!! Just wanted to say u missed a stormer last nite and if i was a girl i would marry Eddie...
Yeah irrestible to other dogs ( There seems to be one in particular that uv blocked) LMAO @ ur misfortune:p :p :p
U wish m8!!!:p :p :p :p I'll b wearin mine even though a certain some1 vandalised the back off it and wrote Marrisa 2 on the back:D :D
I'm a LEO too!!:p Dunno what that means?? Im guessing Strong and irrestible:D :D (hehe i wish) Also does any1 know what a leo's perfect...
You know me m8:p :p But 4 anyone who doesnt actually know im from Scotland. Edinburgh to be precise!! Cant give away any more information cos i...
M8 i already know her but another introduction would be a laf!! Liljem i didnt get my ticket 2 cahoot so dunno if im allowed 2 go??
Aww i thought ur last one was quite lifelike!!:D :D :D :p :p :p
LMAO that explains why u havnt been answrin my calls!!:p :p Dont worry m8 im sendin the person lots of evil txts tellin them what a hard...
I dont have a invite to Cahoot either but iv been informed by a reliable very secret informant that i dont need one and im going anyway!!!...
Yep as the man says i will b there!! Kinda skint though so if any1 wants to be nice and buy me a drink i'll b really gratefull:confused: :p...
Easy choice!!! If ya missed GK then u can surely miss GC and come out shootin with us!!! Make the rite choice!!!;) :p :mad:
Dunno!! They said it was live but the guys were so stoopid i was surprised they could use the microphone:p :p
Cheers:p :p I cant believe im famous!!:cool: :cool:
LMAO!! Not like us classy people on Galaxy eh m8!!!:p :p Wish i could hear that interview:D
LMAO!! I saw some1 who i was sure was Dj Paul but it turned out it wasnt:p I was introducin him to every1 :D :D Whoever u were im sorry for...
Na i aint really.. My bro is 24!! Now he's mad:p :p :p
BLoody hell women!!! Make up ur mind!!:D :D :eek: hehe Course ill b there im comin down for Halliwell and Hardwick.. The one im missin is...
Aww c'mon m8 if uv decided to stay for Matt Hardwick now, then im sure u can stay for a good'ol shoot em up!!! I'm gonna get some practise in...
M8 i probs wont shoot any1 cos i always end up with the gun thats bust!!! :mad:
Rite just to set the record straight i WASNT picking my nose!!!! It was just itchy:p :p :p And phily m8 u gotta say it rite: Sit on me...
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