Willy wonka and the chocalate factory Fook just remembered how good this film is!! fookin ompa lumpas are well cool!! lol how much does every1...
oh well if he wears cool hats then all beer boys who wear cool hats are friendly!!!! so ibelive u bouze!! lol :p
Re: Re: Re: 1st time at promise yes we are to anyone but smart e!! :p ;) :p
LMAO!! alreet then i will let you off!! lol :p
tis a fookin tune dont care much for the tune onthe flip star theme!! like but tis still good!! lol :p
yeah you will have to stand outside of a liquor store and go please get my ickle friend lee some booze!!!! so if u can get a few crates of my fav...
LMAO!! u know me i will be well away form them heheheh!! ;)
Re: matt hardwick!!! where did u hear this lil bit of info paul i am going toask him on fri!!he should have one tho!!!!! :p
LMAO!! oh jules in coffee heaven!! hehehehe :p
For a whole week urrrrrgggggghhhh howey bouze!! that is dirty dirty dirty!! :p
SWINGERS nite hehehehe erm ok!! lol na tis alright me likes a certain lil cyber chickadee! lol and miss messy of course! but in diffrent...
oh but you will have to watch to much of eddie is bad for u!! :p
big thanx to cyberdog aka kennyken 2000 for letting me steal Rank 1 @ sensation last nite!! yay!! what a wikid set!!!
oh is that what u meant by double helpings off eddie H once at crasher and then at goodgref v's Mass oic!! lol :p
so smart e are u a memeber as well?? did u get my e- mail?? :p
LMFAO @ SPANgled joe!! spangled every day of his life in he!! lol isnt mass shut down!!?? :p
hummm i would have to say my prefered drink would be vodi + r.bull's but if the only thing they stockis stella then so be it!! lol ur right...
i will be peepling my ickle ear round the door at princess janes so yeah make them loud so i can here them hehehehe :p
Re: opps! hehehe i knew it was u!! pink ladee is autaclly trhe pink ladee in promse ahh! lol :p
Re: ???? oh janey lil rabbit fu fu is coming over as well!! :p :p :p
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