Cream @ Telewest Arena 1st June

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DAVEYRUTHERS, Apr 3, 2002.

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  1. DoctorMick

    DoctorMick Registered User

    Apr 2, 2002
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    Sunderland :)
    Wow, judgement day, that brings back memories, I only ever went to one, when I was about 14 and also a converting semi-charva!!!

    There were far too many charvas at GK but they didn't seem to cause any problems (apart from one little sh1t who kicked over someones bucket of lego!!!).
  2. mr. brook

    mr. brook Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    bored at work
    couldnt have put it better myself.
    and if u that worried mark, the event is on a sat nite rite? ill still b goin 2 promise on the friday nite cream or no cream! they no competition 4 promise
  3. mr. brook

    mr. brook Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    bored at work
    i really dont see how 1 off nights can harm promise. i think i vouch 4 many others in sayin if we had the choice btwn promise or these 1 offs it would b promise cos its a QUALITY nite.
    big events are 1 OFFS, they not gonna hurt smaller nites, especially promise cos i bet if the djs could choose they would sooner play promise fairly often (like u say bond and dalek keep coming back) cos they like playin there.

    and i dont give a shit if another club starts a nite ere (which they wont, big clubs aint started new nites ANYWHERE in the country) cos ill still go promise cos its mint and i got loads of mates there and stuff. we'll stick wiv wot we know and love
  4. sloppy

    sloppy Registered User

    Nov 13, 2001
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    at the back, observing the action...
    i seriously think u REALLY do overact to any question of competition...u know dam well that we are ALL loyal to promise but if there is a clubbin event on in newcastle then we will go...and we will also still continue to go to promise as we have done since GK took place at the arena.

    if promise were to do an arena event i bet both dalek and bond would why shouldnt they play for Cream?....neither of them are exclusive to promise are they?

    it seems to me that the 'superclubs' have realised that newcastle is an attractive city with a very small clubbin scene and it appears they are trying to take advantage of that situation by holding 'events'. Promise cant remain the only club of its kind in newcastle forever. Sooner or later someone will come along who will attempt to put on a simliar nite...which maybe a success or a failure

    however, the end of the day we come to promise cos u give us the dj's and the type of club we wanna come to...a one off nite will give us that for one night, but not week in week out like u do.

    u have nothing to worry about at all.
  5. Guest

    well, if you want my opinion i really don't rate the 'big events'. judgement sunday @ TT, GK @ amnesia, radio1 @ the arena etc just fail everytime to create a better night than promise and shindig. I would choose a night out to shindig or promise over any shite at the arena any day. I'm lucky enough to have found a place with a wicked crowd, wicked music and wicked venue and every time i've been to these so called 'big events' they just haven't been as good as a weekly night at foundation but the entry fee was double. that's what pisses me off, you pay double and in theory it should be better but isn't!!

    i sound like a moany little cunt again though don't i!! :p
  6. sloppy

    sloppy Registered User

    Nov 13, 2001
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    at the back, observing the action...
    ok mark

    i know i know very little about the money side of promise, but all i was saying was that just because events are on in newcastle doesnt mean we will stop supporting promise

    alot of the time i know lots of people on here who go to promise and then visit a different club on a sat nite so its just the same kind of situation really

    but if these events are affecting promise then, obviously it would be better for us that they didnt take place and promise could continue
  7. sloppy

    sloppy Registered User

    Nov 13, 2001
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    at the back, observing the action...
    i think you read everything i write the total wrong the way i have just recieved your email but it seems you've already started an arguement on the board anyway...

    i LIKE promise and try to come as much as possible...i also enjoy going to other clubs fcuking shoot me
  8. Mr. Revel

    Mr. Revel Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    i reckon that one off club nights DO raise the profile of the local club scene in newcastle, and so support it.

    The promoters of the other club holding a night dont do it for this reason, but then thats bussiness.

    holding big events makes people aware that there are things goin on up here. I talked to people @ GK who had travelled, THEY ASKED ME if i had been to promise, cos it was supposed to be good, they said that having other events on brought the city into the spot light a bit more, and they were having a good night, and would like to try some of the other nights..

    Like sloppy said too, people who go to these big events might then start comming to Promise. I certainly know of people that wouldnt have come to promise, but went to GK, and now are askin if they can tag along to promise with us.#

    Plus the line ups @ Promise are so good, that we wouldnt miss them

    if the DJs are playin for other clubs, thats not our problems, thats club politics...

    :D :cool: :cool:
  9. sloppy

    sloppy Registered User

    Nov 13, 2001
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    at the back, observing the action...
    cheers least u get where im coming from:)
  10. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    jesus you two are like a married couple!!!

    Before this escalates into world war 3 I thought I'd stick my big beak in :D

    Fact: big events certainly damage the profitability of promise in the short term, JFK is a DJ who would usually pull a considerable crowd to promise, but when GK was on the club was empty... As promise needs to make money every week to stay alive big events are bad in this sense.

    However big events hopefully wont be a monthly occurance in newcastle, they happen few and far between... Currently newcastle is laughed upon as a clubbing city - its not seen as a clubbing mecca like birmingham or sheffield, its seen as a beerboy mecca.

    I agree with sloppy and revel that big events do raise the profile of newcastle, the more big club nights are associated with newcastle (be it long term nights like shindig or one off's like godskitchen) the more likely someone from further affield is likely to travel to Promise...

    Newcastle is currently seen as a beerboys haven... its a running gag you go anywhere in the country and they rip the piss out of your brown ale ways... We're not seen as a clubbing mecca and as we have this stereo type - people are dubious to travel here.

    I guess half of the punters who come to promise, aren't avid clubbers or loyal punters - they're local geordies out on the piss... There's nothing wrong with this but when a big event like GK comes to town they decide to save their pennies for a month to go to the arena, this effects promise's turnover ina big way.

    I think as promise grows and starts to generate a more club oriented crowd the big events wont do so much damage, when crasher do the NEC although GK, Sundis, Babooshka and Somz profits are hit temporarily it never has any real impact as they have loyal followings...

    Promise is still in its infancy but it is already starting to generate a cuilt following - just look at this messageboard...
  11. sloppy

    sloppy Registered User

    Nov 13, 2001
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    at the back, observing the action...
    u have such a way with words oh smart one:)

    think you've wrapped that arguement up quite nicely;)

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