Well, I use the term "mate" loosely. Just someone I befriended in the street, when I saw him walking along with the Dodgeball DVD...
then shame on you for following him... you should have gone with the bloke on the other side of the street with the long mac, tweed hat and bag of chewits outside the school!
Nooooooooooo!! I can't believe you all love this! (OK so I skipped pages 2, 3, and 4 of this thread so maybe not all of you loved it) I saw it while I was in America and I thought it was the WORST Ben Stiller movie EVER! Yes, a few parts are funny, but the rest was just laughing a little bit at slightly funny things. Such a bad movie...I can't believe you all fell for the same jokes that Stiller has been doing for his past few movies. Meet the Parents 2 - Meet the Fockers, however, should be funny
when the fuck has he ever did a good one!?! at least adam sandler did the waterboy amongst all the other shite he was in!
Something about Mary, Meet the Parents....erm...OK can't think of any others, but those two were well worth seeing
] something about mary was good like i will give you that... meet the parents was utter gash though, there isn't even any constructive critiscim to give about this, i would much rather stick pins in my eyes than have to watch this shite again!
I think they've just went downhill from one to the other, Something about Mary was (I think) one of his first "major" movies. And from then on he used the same jokes over and over again, which a lot of people seem to like. Some people, however, find them irritating after a while. Hence dodgeball = poop
everyone always says i rip every film i see to shreads, but that's because they're all crap tbh! looking forward to seeing supersize me next!
Re: Dodgeball Its fu*kin wicked. I thought it went well quick as well! Top Film on a par with Zoolander