I start college tomorrow!!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Glitter Angel, Sep 9, 2002.

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  1. Disco Drew

    Disco Drew Registered User

    Mar 10, 2002
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    Ask your mother!
    Good look chicken pie!!

    If you need any help from the 20p pinching charva's go see my bud anth hes doing a some sort of course to do with club promotion!
  2. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    location, location.
    so do i start college, i started on monday and none of yous care. mleh im stickin in i have the same attitude as kez and roz coz we know what its like to give up then go back, good luck gurls, we will show janice (evil wench lol):D
  3. above and beyond

    above and beyond

    Jul 29, 2002
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    well thank u very much peeps for seriously upsetting me all i was saying was things that i done and what my mum did and what happened.

    there is no need for the comments like that like some people have just dropped in my freind charts like i was just sayin summit cause of what happened to my mum and also to some of my dads mates in london they didnt get jobs because they didnt have the experience in that feild but they had bits of paper a mile wide.

    im sorry if my comments were so bad that people had to go over board and start to take the piss outa me. It has nothing to do with where i work or what i do that is my privite life and im happy with it FOR NOW just so i can pay bak what i owed to peeps and to dig myself outa a hole it was an easy job to get and i got it. My debts are payed now i can look for summit better.

    I have my life sorted on what im goin to do and what i have to do. I dont need people to tell me what my life is or what its going to be.

    thanx again for really upsetting me.:cry:
  4. fizz

    fizz Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    well, this is gonna cause an argument, but speaking from experience, i would say it all depends on the job your after, whether you need that little bit of white paper or not.

    im a qualified and experienced graphic designer.
    I have all my GCSE's, 2 A levels, an HND in graphic design and 2 years of a BA Hons in Multimedia Design to which i dropped out to get a job. - why did i drop out of uni to get a job you may ask?
    TO GAIN EXPERIENCE!! every job offered has asked for 2 YEARS minimum of experience!! even if i had a degree.
    The year above me who had just left uni told me they couldnt find any work at all!! and i should take the job opportunity!
    So i did.

    I remember speaking to a few employers in design, saying i didnt really need the 'little white paper', just as long as my portfolio of work was there, proving i was knowledgable enough, skilled enough and had the experience to do the job, the job would be mine.
    - was just like getting into uni, didnt need my A levels to get in, just my portfolio of work.

    So, as far as im concerned, having a degree or whatever, yeah its nice to have, but i know a lot of people who have left uni still HAVENT got a job and they own a degree, they have the letters after their name. And some are actually now acting managers of McDonalds since working their way up cos they couldnt find anything better.
    Some jobs you do need the qualifications to get into, but others, you just simply need experience and to prove your skills.
    It all depends on the industry your entering. If you think im wrong, fair dos, but i have evidence, and proof im right... ME!

    and i do think peoples comments towards steve as above were a little harsh and upsetting. especially since about 5 of you ganged up on the lad!!!!!
  5. fizz

    fizz Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    what would happen if i had more experience than you, but you had the extra qualifications???
  6. Doggie

    Doggie Registered User

    Nov 12, 2001
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    i aint havin a dig at anyone, but fizz or anyone define experience...

    it s such an open term... i had "work experience" for 6 weeks in my second yr of uni... i photocopied and made tea, and learnt fuck all...apart from how to make a perfect cup of tea, and the greatest no. of sheets of paper would fit in to a hole punch..11

    however im now in london on a year placement, where i ll get the best opportunities i could want...
  7. fizz

    fizz Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    yeah i agree doggie, good luck to you and all that. by experience i mean paid, defined duties to which you can get a valuable reference from.

    what im saying is, in my industry of work its been hell bent on experience and my portfolio of design work, not bothered so much on the qualifications.

    like i said, i think it all depends on the industry and job offered.
  8. Guest

    I think everyone has been pretty harsh on Steve for what he said. I think what he was getting at is the fact that there is no gaurntee that just because you have a degree or whatever your going to get the job you want.

    I think you'd be suprised at the amount of people who work in fast food restraunts who actually have degrees aswell. I worked in one when I left school and there were two people who had degrees but just couldn't get a job in that field because emplyoyers were looking for people with actual experience in the role and not just those who knew the theory behind it.

    I can understand that some jobs do need a lot of theory work and therefore a degree is a good thing but there are a lot of degrees which are completley pointless such as the degree in gambling (I kid you not) and people seem to think a degree is going to be they're trump card when it comes to doing anything when this isn't always the case.

    I don't wanna go on and on but my dad didn't even have GCSE's and he ended up being the manager of a car auction with a pretty lush wage and a nice company car and everything. It all depends what you want to do and what your interested in as to wether you decide to carry on education or not.

    Simon Cowell and Richard Branson are just a couple of people who I can name who are now pretty wealthy - not down to education and letters after they're name but due to hard work.

    You can sit in a classroom as long as you like but unless your going to apply that knowledge to something then it's a waste of time and money. I think the problem is nowadays people see the government and schools saying everyone is going to university and these people don't want to be left out or made to feel more stupid than the rest of society.

    I'm not going to university - firstly because I can't afford it and secondly because I really don't want to spend another 4 years of my life learning text book stuff when I can get a job and learn there.

    Please don't start arguing with me again cause I had enough of that in the Fizz Wins thread. :D
  9. Rob

    Rob Registered User

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Sancho Panza
    I think that it should be said you can have lots of quals but if you have no communication skills you will find it hard to get on.

    I would say that although I have fuck all 'bits of paper' I find it easy to articulate myself.

    This I believe to be highly important, I have talked my way into every job I’ve ever done, I have come up against peeps with lots of bits of paper but still beaten them.

    I am glad that I dropped out at 16 because I have done lots of fun jobs and met lots of nice peeps doing them but I am bloody lucky!!!!

    Most peeps with no quals don't go far.
  10. Guest

    Well said Rob

    I feel like I'm banging my head against a wall sometimes when Im tryin to argue :D

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  11. above and beyond

    above and beyond

    Jul 29, 2002
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    im happy with what i do and i no what im goin to do in the future with my life i dont need anyone to tell me otherwise.
  12. Geordie

    Geordie "Im Outta Time"

    Nov 12, 2001
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    "Aye you look arsed like"
    Simple fact is.......

    Nowdays goin to Uni n gettin what ya want does not guarentee ya a job - more n more comapanies are lookin for staff with experience which is why when i got my GCSE's i left School - i did not leave with many in fact to b honest didnt do well but having done this ive worked for a few major companies and learnt more n more as time has went on whether it be Accountancy / Civil Service / Admin and so on..... Ive found that during the time since ive left School i have gained valuable experience which i would not have been able to get whether i stayed on or went to College/Uni to put me in good stead for my future...

    I aint calling people that go to Uni @ all here coz i think if i had done well in my GCSE's then maybe i would have looked into it but i just think after all the yrs work and this n that course ya may not end up with what ya like or failing that may not get anything !!!

    Experience is the key :) :)
  13. B.O.B.

    B.O.B. Registered User

    Jan 30, 2002
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    Funny how times change! A few months ago there was a thread about dropping out of Uni/College etc, and the only people that seemed to think sticking with it was a good idea was Promise Bird and me!

    Ultimately it is a personal issue. Some people thrive in education, others don't and are better off gaining experience instead. There will be jobs that you can't get without a higher level of education, and others you can't get without experience.

    Good luck with College though Glitter Angel!
  14. fizz

    fizz Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    my point exactly helen.
  15. Yosef Ha'Kohain

    Yosef Ha'Kohain Registered User

    Nov 11, 2001
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    Teachers teach ya how to be stupid :D
  16. Rob

    Rob Registered User

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Sancho Panza
    Good for you Steve, being happy is 90% of the battle.
  17. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
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    Pink Heaven
    i didnt mean to sound harsh steve, but i just dont think ure attitude is the right one to take!!
  18. Rob

    Rob Registered User

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Sancho Panza
    How did it go then???
  19. Glitter Angel

    Glitter Angel Registered User

    Feb 10, 2002
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    Pink Heaven
    im still there, he he he, i knew doing IT was a good idea ;)
  20. Rob

    Rob Registered User

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Sancho Panza
    Slacker!!!! :D

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