hoggs birthday on friday night Jakes christening on sun next week mates thru the week & alton towers on the sun then booking up for the dam for beg of nov & lauras birthday at the end of oct
rrrrm me n the boys are havin abit of a poker night on friday, see thru peeks and cigars all round, then steve lawler on saturday then maybe hedkandi on sunday if the funds are there/or if im not still awake from steve
Trevor Rockcliffe @ Hooked - The Other Rooms (This Saturday ) Henrik B @ Hooked - The Other Rooms Alex smoke - live & Funk D'void @ Habit - The Other Rooms Jeru the Damaja - The Other Rooms Radioactiveman & Phil Keiron @ Freaky Dancing - NUSU
Well I need to catch up with you :groovy: Although I dont think im out on Sat night but I might be in town if you wanna meet before hand? Also might come out Sunday
Were going out for L J's birthday So your coming for a drink!! I might pop down to the other rooms as well actually Were going to see Henrik B as well
i'm not going to the damm any more cos i can't go when everyone else is going DOOM :strop: was also thinking bout going away with Vicky for her birthday so am trying very very hard for that to happen now...if i can get it cheap enough then its poss going to be new york for chrimbo shopping
Friday - was at work Tonight - DJing in the coach in consett (Ruth howay up for a few shandies ) Sunday - Working during the day, bot all on the night Monday - Djing again in consett