i feel bad about it now, as i just destroyed nearly a whole years worth of his work in a few seconds. but he did get a full photocopy of my work to revise from, which probably helped him get better marks anyway.
One of my mates Dan turned the gas tap on and lit it to try and be cool - dont think he actually realised the whole thing would set fire like a blow torch - The look on his face was absoloutly priceless!! It was like this
on the subject of schools... last week i found out that someone who i used to goto school with had been arrested and charged for having paedophilic pictures on his computer. it is so weird because if you had asked me to pick one person from my year most likely to do something like that, it would of been him everytime. he was totally creepy.
theres a few I went to school with fucked up with drugs, a few dead most of the girls knocking out kidz at tax payers expence. What a world
that was one of my favourite stunts too. others included getting massive bundles of those wooden splint things and lighting them all at once, and then running around waving them like the olympic torch.
Yes, what was the big thing about those?? Everyone used to always sneak loads and light them on the sly!! I luved year 11!!