I remember being made to turn my pockets out and any chipped coins found in possesion got put to the 'black babies' appeal. Another blast from the past.
what was dinner money,,, it was either ten tabs or save up all week an buy some smoke for the friday day/nite an 8 cans of strongbow!!!! christ we were little scallys
I never had a drink or took drugs really till I was about 21 the odd now and again but nothing regular
lol i cant skin up and i smoke rollies....which doesnt bode well! i was a right nutter in school, but oddly in the top sets, did well in my GCSE's, one comment on my report was "lucy-ann has an interesting imagination" and "a friendly girl always willing to please" -jeez! lmao but i will never forget the time we made the german teacher cry (we just refused to do anything she said all lesson) the time i got expelled for shoulting out if the bus window at (pervert, wanker, kiddie fiddler) as he used to leer at all the lasses (even when we were in yr 7) the time we threw an 'ice ball' off the headmasters head at break one winter the time i got expelled for ringing up my german teacher (god i didnt like her!) leaving a VOICEMAIL MESSAGE on her phone (how thick?) and not disguising our voices "your a bitch we all really hate you, you are fat etc etc" - the nastyest thing i have ever done like, but such a stupid thing to do it was so funny though the time i was called into out head of years office for someone putting pictures all round the school of me licking a vibrator-just in black and white, it didnt look like a vibrator. school days were mint, putting a flapjack underneath another and putting custard in the bowl, drooling after sexy scottish teachers with the NICEST bum you will see in your life (all the lasses used to hang thier heads over the end of the aisle to look). writing who you loves initials all over your schoolbooks, walls, bus stops, etc. drinking on non-uniform days, lying on the floor of the disco, getting spun about by your mates i miss it so much
the joys of gettin in with "the wrong crowd" at school eh??!! education= +:chill: +:beer: * =:spangled:
it was a good good laugh though, and because i stuck in too, i should be ok in the future, it cant be all work work work, or all fun fun fun really, a mix is always good. i really fancy going down a park and drinking some lambrella now
Pmsl, errr.. having my 1st bucket before a science lesson :spangled: Throwing compasses at people from a 2nd floor window to see if they'd stick in (weeks exclusion) lamping the biggest lad in my year (i wasn't very big or hard for that matter) for a dare and making him cry (weeks exclusion for us both for fighting :laugh: ) kicking people (in primary school) and being made to walk round with a plastic bag on my foot all day Catching loads of grasshoppers and letting them loose in my form room.... etc etc Those were the days
My report used to be really good at the beginning and as the years went on it got worse as well as my attendance! but my results were ok nothing to rant on about but I made up for that at College and now at Uni! Stick in though its worth it!
Its funny cause so many people said that to me at the time and i didnt listen and didnt get any decent grades!! Wish i had but i'm not doing too badly now - i'd say £25 - £30.000 a yr aint bad for a dunce
it all depends on what career/job you take though! I am working towards a degree in Construction (eventually) but with a construction degree you can work anywhere in the world!
When i say i wish i'd stuck in that meant so i'd be earning money doing something i really really wanted to do as opposed to just a job to earn money if you know what i mean. Just glad i'm not on minimum wage working in morrisons or something.
I make a decent amount 25k + but some of my m8's done have a brain between them and are making fortunes. Makes me sick
aye one lad has an Audi TT and lives in a three bedroom house same age as me and welds pipes together no justice, I spent so long learning useless shite for nothing.