The Chechens have put up with the Russian military for so long raping and killing their countrymen, that they (well, some) now see all Russians as evil, rather than the Russian military or the Russian politicians who have created this mess. Killing innocent people in the name of their cause will not help things, only make it worse. It doesn't help that some of the Chechen rebels have swayed to fundamentalism, making the children of their enemies, enemies too. Over 200 innocent lives, and for what? Possible further military action from the russians, breeding resentment, hate and desperation, and further atrocities. There seems to be only two ways that things will eventually settle down there, either when the Russian politicians feel their lives personally threatened or if the Chechens use passive resistance (not much chance of that though). I feel sorry for the people of Russia and of Chechnya, for having to endure this shit.
the russian spetnaz are a very highly regarded special forces unit... i think given the situation it was almost destined to descend to this.
problem is tho the russians are very reluctant to accept help from outside nations. i truly believe that if they had drafted the SAS in it would probably have turned out a lot different. but then again, the crazy ruskies probs wouldn't have listened to what our guys said and would have sat there drinkin galons of vodka lol
Speaking from various new stories and articles, the Russians don't seem to have a clue IMO. I am shit with politics tho, as most people know!
perhaps so... i dont really know much of the mentality of the spetznaz but they are an effective fighting unit... although maybe that as you say has proved to be the downfall here... from the coverage i saw i didnt think they seemed to be left with much option to fight, but i guess we dont really know the top and bottom of it... regardless, damn shame
As far as I know the Spetnaz are more like our Marines & are mental but most Russians are. That's why the entire German army surrendered to uk/usa forces in WWII. The Russian version of the the SAS are know as ALPHA and where not even called out to the school. Possible reasons for this is that there is a seigh every few weeks in Russia, just this one was bigger than normal so made our news.