SI, The 2 countries you mention had 2 of the people that hate America, more than you!!! Bush must have rolled a double 6 with a pair of dice or has a very pair lucky pair of kegs for his enenies to live on this pipeline. These anti books you read are they in the fiction or non fiction section. "but in the time it took me to type this so did the same number of human beings in the 3rd world .... who's crying for them today?" YOU ARE SI!
Its the american/capitalist resentment that created the problem in the first place though if they had great relationships with america there would be no problem they could ship out the oil whenever.
this is my stuff, it doesn't come from books. It's on the TV (not just the news either) and in the papers all the time. You just have to look and think about it from a different perspective
Si we aquire our knowledge from the media just as the righties do... we weren't born with this knowledge But we are right and they are wrong
The resentment started when the Yanks started to overtake the sheikhs in the Forbes Rich List & when Gates overtook the Sultan Of Brunei that was it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 11th In his 1st post. Loads of people on here seem to think they know everything just cos they've watched newsnight or read a few books but in reality there's far more factors that effect what is going on in the world than they could possibly know about
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 11th I don't know anymore than anyone else but at least I don't try and pretend I understand all the world's problems
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 11th Not 1 person on this planet understands them! But some us have a better understanding than others...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 11th you obviously know and understand much less than me, that much I know .... or are you actually going to say something????
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 11th Cos anything I say is going to change anything. Are you some sort of government minister?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 11th "Cos anything I say is going to change anything" talk sense man!! I'm a marxist, that sorta disqualifies me
Re: Sept 11th I was on a bus coming back from edinburgh after loosin me job and me lass in the same month wasnt a good month that one Even if the suicide attacks hadnt happend there wud av been war cos bush is a thick fuckin plank who craves destruction and trys to press his belief system onto others! :spangled:
Re: Re: Sept 11th ta-da!!!!!! it's funny/scary listening to the US grunts in Iraq when they get on the news talking about the Iraqis... "fucking ungrateful bastards, we come over here to liberate them and give them democracy and freedom, and what do they do? Shoot us for it!" lordy
Re: Re: Re: Sept 11th I still think they were right to go into Iraq. Sadaam Hussain was too dodgy a character to have around. There was too much uncertainty around him - he could never be trusted
I would make Slobba the EU Middle East Minster. I think him Sharon are just what the middle east needs
Re: Re: Re: Re: Sept 11th I'm pleased he's no longer in power, that much we can agree on. He was a violent thug and a brutal murderer and the world's a better place without him