Clubbing + Fashion I would say most of clublands clubbers do look ridiculous. As much as people like to think fashion & clubbing go together,THEY DONT! Most major clubbing nights are major cases for the fashion police, every major club has lots crimes against the catwalk. EITHER FOLLOW FASHION & KEEP UP WITH IT OR WEAR PUMAS,JEANS & A T-SHIRT!
So true though. Wrists are for watches for telling the time and connecting your hand to your arm, not sweatbands - end of.
Diversity of clothing and clubwear add to the atmosphere of clubbing in my opinion - its good that people can feel free to wear what they like - fair enough in clubs like Baja etc, fashion will be criticised but thats why I like clubs like Promise because you can go and not be criticised (apart maybe the odd charver!)
if that was the case shops focused around clubbing would not sell them - they are obviously making a profit or they would be off the shelves by now - u might not like them nut their are lots who do - simply a difference in tastes
Ash what planet are you from mate? Clubbers are the most bitchy crowd in the world - most clubs are just a posing ground... have u ever been to any club other than promise? Listen to thepsence mate - pumas and a t-shirt... u ahven't a hope in hell of keeping up
course bitching goes on - but since i've stopped goin to 'chart music clubs' ive realised that there is a lot less negativity to what people wear etc! Course u still get it tho! Fair enough - people may eb a lot more loved up, etc so haven't got the time
Speed makes drug dealers a profit. However, It does not make people look good. BTW ... latest sweatband spotting was the ickle S Club 8. That's were it's at.
Local clubs such as Promise, Tall Trees, The Empire, most people don't give a shit - I can't stand negativity towards other people - course its gona happen but goin out of ur way to do it...
ur spot on! Its a clubbing accessory - if I was going out to look my best i'd have a shirt on and smart shoes - its what u feel comfortable in that matters
at the end of the day we are just different people - me and my m8s hardly ever criticise anyone - we go out to enjoy the music without worrying what people are wearing are whether our sweatband has moved out of position - can't change that!
me and my gang stand at the bar throwing olives at you and your mates while ur girlfriends eyeball us and wish they could stand with us
hahahaha!! joe!!! honestly!! u r sooo harsh n arrogant its unbelievable!! ur funny as fuck tho so u get away with it!! xxx
Yes it is good that they can feel free to wear what they want & lot them do(USUALLY THE ONES WHO DONT OWN A MIRROR). People may not be criticised @ Promise, but the word 'WHY' is in a lot of peoples head, sometimes.