the tories show they're ready to lead a government...

Discussion in 'News & Current Affairs' started by Conway, May 22, 2008.

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  1. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    [ame=""] Rubies Costume Co. V for Vendetta Mask: Toys & Games@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame] :)
  2. Oasis

    Oasis Peter North-east

    Jun 22, 2004
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    We still have it better than most of the world! People expect too much because they've lived the life of riley since day one.

    All of the people at work moan about everything!! One minute they'll be moaning like fuck about how much tax they pay and then the next minute they're moaning about how there's too many criminals escaping a prison sentence. OK mate, Let's put everyone in prison and make your tax even more so then you can moan EVEN more.
    They work a manual labour job with no qualifications and can afford TWO cars including a brand new 4x4, they live in a brand new house, go on 2 holidays a year and buy there kids "expensive gear".

    You also can't go a day without seeing a headline in the paper about how some politician has had a GAY ROMP or received some kind of back hander/reach around. It now seems like the favourite story to print is the old "labour loses personal information". I dunno why anyone gives a fuck anyway, most of the information could be found easily if criminals really wanted it.

    Brits are a nation of moaners and always will be, we dont realise how good we have it. Most people spend all there lives going on about how shit it is but then never actually do anything to make it better.
  3. Jase

    Jase Blue Booked

    Nov 7, 2004
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    all that :up:

    PS. nice moan.
  4. Lee

    Lee original gowans artwork

    Jan 7, 2005
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    u say that but when were told by politicians we have it so good and yet people still die in hospital corridors, get stealth taxed out of money left right and centre. have civil liberties taken from underneath us, send lads to war with shite gear and have inner city areas so crime infested they make bosnia look like centre parcs.

    we do have it alot better than alot of countries but we have it so much worse in other respects. our education system is inconsistent. and we are ripped off for simple services like fuel and power. the reason people moan is due to the fact nothing seems to be improving anymore and actually going down hill instead.

    we graft our arses off day in day out and politicians earn tax payer money for 2nd homes which are not needed and paying for lavish expenses with our hard earned money, after which they seem to turn our once prosperous nation into a soft bellied cash cow. our pc reforms make us the laughing stock of the civilised world.
    thers so much more to rightly moan about but i have 'serious hard graft' to be getting on with
    i think were due a peasants revolt
  5. Oasis

    Oasis Peter North-east

    Jun 22, 2004
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    lmfao at people dying in hospital corridors. I'd love to see the ratio of people that have been to hospital in the last year to people who have died in corridors.

    The education system that people from all over the world come here to use?

    You could pick any country in the western world and I bet they all have inner city crime ridden slums.

    Politicians get paid quite a bit but if you had went to university for however many years and worked all your life you'd be expecting a nice salary and benefits. Just because they're politicians doesnt mean they dont want to earn a decent living. If it was any other occupation you wouldn't be saying anything. Tony Blairs wife was earning more than him and he was (apparently) running the country.

    Do you not think the rest of the world graft there arses off or is it one big butlins holiday for them? Another thing brits love to say is about how hard they graft.

    Prosperous nation!! haha you need to buy a recent edition of whatever history book you have. The empire is over Lee! and what we're left with is a very very small country with very limited resources or our own. We rely upon the world more than they rely on us.
  6. Oasis

    Oasis Peter North-east

    Jun 22, 2004
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    If it's so bad then how can you, a 23 year old lad who works in a call centre afford lavishes like a 48inch lcd tv, state of the art universal remote control for ya tv that cost £120, a keyboard for ya pc that cost £140, speakers that cost about 400quid, ps3, wii, lazyboy recliner, treadmill, 2 nights out a week on the piss,a 2 litre japanese sports car, holidays abroad.

    The man who has it so bad!:rolleyes: and eeee you have to work for your living. never!
  7. Jase

    Jase Blue Booked

    Nov 7, 2004
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    mint, where does this lad live... and when is his next holiday :p :lol:
  8. Oasis

    Oasis Peter North-east

    Jun 22, 2004
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    In an inner city slum.:wink:
  9. Jase

    Jase Blue Booked

    Nov 7, 2004
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  10. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    'gadgets' of the day do not mean 'we have it good'

    Im sure in the 1500's there were peasants telling their kids they've 'never had it so good' because they had made it past their 15 birthday and could afford a rat on a stick.

    Its WORTH making a point when living standards and quality of life measured in REAL terms are FALLING and not rising.

    .... if we are ever going to make it to some kind of Star Trek type utopia, then we can ill afford to tolerate a world filled with war, debt, famine, energy crisis'es and rampant globalisation and invasion into liberties.

    The baby boomer generation that are our parents, are probably going to be the last generation to 'never had it so good' .... UNTIL something drastic happens like world war or some other global disaster.

    The direction we are headed aint exactly a good one for a planet full of people.
  11. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    true about the gadgets but we CHOOSE to spend our money on them rather than healthcare for instance or the alleviation of poverty or even education and clean water for the world. We have that choice. There are plenty of places in the world where a rat on a stick is STILL a treat.
    And you cannot deny that we are a richer country than we have ever been. Living standards have been rising in nearly every year since 1950. We pay less tax as a percentage of GNP than we did in 1990. What hasn't increased is happiness, leisure time, family time and freedom. That's what we should be trying to increase. I like the state of Bhuttan whose ruler has decreed that his governments goal is to increase GNH not GNP. Gross National Happiness.:D
  12. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Absolutely - completely agree with what you say


    ..... Post WWII we had the introduction of alot of systems, values and whatnot that were suppose to represent a new ideal for society.

    We went from dickensian extremes of poverty and wealth, towards ideas like property ownership, an NHS and decent pensions ....

    ... Its all going backwards now. From a relative standpoint, it looks like things are going DOWN for people of our age range ... not UP.

    Middle class decimation is not a good thing in my opinion ......or its a return to serfdom for all of us.
  13. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    I agree but it's our choice. We can choose to spend our money on those things or on the gadgets and the holidays but we can't have both. that's all.

    As a society, every time it comes to an election we vote for those we think will cut taxes. It will happen again at the next election. The tories will likely get in and commence the next round of demolition of those systems. and so it will go on until we are back to Victorian values. No welfare state, die if you can't afford healthcare, starve if you lose your job.

    All of this supported by a media that is in the hands of three or four very wealthy men who basically tell the government what to do.

    The wealth in this country is now more unevenly divided than at any time since the first war. 6% own 90% of the wealth. No wonder there's nowt left for the rest of us.

    And what are we doing about it? we have bread and circuses and as long as we keep getting them we won't make any bother for those in charge. Pap TV, you tube bollocks, cheap flights and plenty of booze. They can't go wrong.
  14. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    I know what we need next.....

    REVOLUTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Agree with all of that though :king:
  15. Oasis

    Oasis Peter North-east

    Jun 22, 2004
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    You always say possessions and holidays etc arnt what having a good standard of living is. If they arnt then what would you say is? If buying the things you want in life arnt giving yourself a good standard of living then I don't know what is.

    the area in which I live has improved dramatically over the last 8 years (dunno about where you live though).

    Even though running a car is extremely expensive, alot of families can still afford to keep two. Our parents probably couldn't of done that all those years ago.

    You say our parents generation had it the best but what i remember they didn't at all. Unemployment was really bad where I live.
  16. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    The north east has changed massively over the past 10 years for sure - theres no doubt of that ....

    .... but its been on the back of a massive boom, and the region relies on public sector pay to the tune of about 60% of local GDP..... if and when there are public sector cuts due to the downturn in the economy, and when the tories get in (to clean up the mess thats going to be left) then its back to the early nineties again for us.

    People can 'afford' 2 cars, but i wonder how many of these cars are bought cash, and how many of them have been bought on the never never, or with loans and credit cards, against the rising 'value' of their homes.

    In 10 years, i havent seen a massive jump in salaries, so i dont quite see how people have suddenly gotten more affluent without financing their 'percieved' wealth elsewhere.
  17. Oasis

    Oasis Peter North-east

    Jun 22, 2004
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    People have used loans to buy cars for quite some time and not just since labour got in government.

    So where would you say has gotten worse over the last 10 years?

    You seem to have done all right out of this labour government Brid.:wink:
  18. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    The unchecked deregulation of the financial services industry has led to the mess we are in today .... which is why alot of us end up in massive debt due to easy credit being forced on us.

    .... It took me till 3 months ago to get out of the debt i got myself into back in uni - would i be in the same position if those overdrafts, loans and credit cards hadnt been so easy to get .... who knows?

    I might be doing ok at the moment, but only despite this governments repeated attempts to screw anyone working for themselves, or in the IT contracting industry - Im doing OK at the moment, but its because ive forgone anything like a pension, holiday, benefits, sick pay etc etc. Im essentially on my own.

    No matter who was in power, people were going to 'do well' (whatever that means) in a boom.
  19. Oasis

    Oasis Peter North-east

    Jun 22, 2004
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    I suppose same goes for the last boom when the tories were in power. Both parties sent us into a daft war, both seen us have a boom and a crash. Both will have to get the other to clean up the mess.

    It'll all happen again in 15 years time.:p
  20. forks

    forks still not dead

    Nov 21, 2005
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    hurtling towards nirvana
    ahem.. which government did this?

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