Party tonight ! Dunno bout tomorrow ! Sunday :spangled: - sames goes ! Hardlys got any mular actually, am owed some tho but the chances of getting that are like trying to get shit out of a rocking horse
Friday - Staying in Saturday - Drinks in town the to Miks to mix a few CD's Sunday - Bowling with the tO lot(I think?) Quiet weekend!
did u c my other half at work then? i forgot to remind him last nite so sent him a text at 8 this morning!!!
Working tonight... boro vs barcodes tomorrow afternoon... flatmates 21st tomorrow night... sunday uni work
Jus got in from work and am looking forward to a nice hot bath Got some work to do on the computer 2nite, then off for a quiet pint later on with my bud and Slash. Tomorrow - Tall Trees!!! Eddie & Fergie Cant fooking wait, altho still dunno what Im wearing Sunday I sall be still partying, and then sleeping thru til work on Monday
Work tonight Tomorrow quite a busy day. Taking the bairn out in the morning. Then it's off to Newcastle for shopping, drinks, match, in that order. After that it's off to Yarm for GG. Should be a good one, Fergie is totally rocking it atm, Sheridan is class and hopefully Eddie is on form, like I know he can be! SundayAM still partying, then playing football at 2PM:spangled: , God knows what state I will be in for that though, then off to work again. Hopefully will get some sleep somewhere in the middle of all this!